dilluns, 29 de març del 2010


After watching the video answer the questions on your notebbok and make a comment on the issue giving your opinion . Use the expressions worked in class.

  1. What type of safety procedures do GM foods go through?
  2. According to Jim Murray, is purity food safety the only issue to be concerned when dealing with GM foods?
  3. What are the environmentalists’ three main concerns?
  4. What could happen if pollen from transgenic crops pollinates a wild relative?
  5. What were the first commercial products of genetic engineering?
  6. Would developing countries take an advantage from the new research advances on new products?
  7. What positive things does “Golden Rice“ have?
  8. Are there any agreed international standards on GM foods risks?
  9. What are decisions based on in USA when talking about GM foods?
  10. What about in Europe?Do they take into acount other considetrations apart from scientific analysis?

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